Alvin Clark, Sr.

A devoted Club athletic coach for nearly 40 years taking both basketball and baseball teams to the national championships.
This is about a man who is anything but average and has lived a life that has been extraordinary in many ways. Born Feb 28, 1936, Alvin A Clark Sr is the 8th of nine children of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G. Clark Sr. Educated in Kansas City Missouri school district. Shortly after graduating high school in 1956, Alvin married his high school sweetheart Evonia Riley and to this union, five children were born. He has influenced the lives of many children starting back as early as 1968 when he began volunteering as a coach. Some of his coaching highlights were in 1974 he took his Biddy Basketball Team to the nationals in New Orleans. Also the same year his Mickey Mantle Baseball Team (Art Bunker) advanced to the Nationals in Sharman, Texas. His Stan Mursal 18 and over Baseball team competed in the nationals in Dallas, Texas in 1982. For 40 plus years his fundamental work ethic and coaching help lay the groundwork for developing successful life skills in youth.